9 signs you are an explorer and Traveler

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“Life is a Book, and those who don’t travel, read only one chapter” –Saint Augustin

Traveling is like a fresh breath for me, traveling gives me time to think, observe, experience life in a new way. Traveling help us to discover beauty and beast of undiscovered world. If you want to define your life, then you should go for traveling

Traveling is like a passion for many people.  But due to overwork and hectic schedule, We are forced to suppress our desire. Busyness doesn’t mean we are living a good life, Good life means a life where we live purely. Here are few signs that you are an explorer and traveler at heart.

1. You Always like books and TV shows based on Travel

Being busy in your daily hectic work, you are taking travel inspiration from News, TV shows or from some travel channels, and show interest in them. When you see Discovery or Geographic Channel, you feel relaxed and excited. You watch travel explorers in Discovery channel a lot like Beer grills and try to learn every tactics of surviving in different kind of Environment.

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2. You love to get lost in an unknown place

Just like your travel guy in your favorite TV channel, you also seeks a hidden desire to become a traveler at heart. You enjoy to wander in neighborhood or nearby place to meet and chat. Wilderness is signs you are explorer and traveler at heart. Getting disconnected from social media to see live things.

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3. You prefer local Places instead of tourist spots

Staying and living in a local places gives you more experience of real life. You can have five star facilities anywhere, but the local taste would be too unique to taste. Local places is your first choice in your travel habits. You are eager to discover the places that only local people know.

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4. Advance planning of route of trip is your first priority

Before exploring a new place, you always like to plan a advance schedule considering all positive and negative points. You are always ready to accept new challenges in traveling. You try to plan a route according to your likes and dislikes. Advance planning also make a person mentally ready for every possible challenges in traveling.

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5. You Travel with light weight

You always try to travel with light luggage to get you ease on your way. A camera, notebook, few cloths, water bottle are all you need while traveling. Traveling with heavy luggage create problems sometime. With minimum luggage you will feel more relax and less tired. Creating easiness in traveling is your first priority

I travel light. I think the most important thing is to be in a good mood and enjoy life, wherever you are”  — Diane von Furstenberg

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6. You don’t like to stick with itinerary

While traveling with group of people, sometime you go to some specific place which you don’t like. You like to discover the places with your own terms and conditions. You like to travel like a free bird. Sticking with itinerary means limiting your freedom of traveling. But as a travel guy you always try to avoid these circumstances

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7. You always capture memories by notebook and Camera

While discovering a new place you always try to capture that moment with camera. Unexpected places attracts you a lot. Making a lots of memory is a good way to feel us proud in future. You always like to collect memories according to years. And having a comparison between old and new photos will give you laugh and smile.

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8. Always thinking about your Next Adventure

Next adventure is always in your list before finishing the current one. You never get tired of traveling, hostels and hotels has become your home now. As a true traveler at heart, random hiking, new adventures and flying off to a new place comes first in your mind.

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9. Without traveling you feel like a lion in Cage

How does a lion feel in cage? Is the same condition applies to you ? You feel fresh in open places like mountains, forests, hills etc.

It was one of my dreams as a child, growing up in my little village with my cousins. We used to walk together, and I used to say, when you look at the world map, ‘This town is there, that town is there, that river is there.’ I used to say, ‘One day, I’m going to travel these places.’  — Jimmy Cliff

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I hope above mentioned signs are enough to make you convince that you are a free bird, no cage can catch you. Don’t be a traveler at heart, start taking action about your traveling dreams. 20’s and 30’s is the best time to travel in life, you have to manage your time, after this age group our body becomes weak plus we would be having a lots of responsibilities about children, wife, family etc.

If you don’t Travel Now, then you would die like a ‘Frog living his whole life in Well’.

Is any of the signs belong to you ? Let me know if you have any questions by commenting below.

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